December 12, 2012

World Wide What? Tolkien Meme-ia

In honor of the impending release of "The Hobbit" in theaters, I thought it would be fun to therefore release the horde of LotR memes I have lying around in my computer, much like Moria released its hordes of goblin. I also wanted to see how many times I could use 'release' and its variants in one sentence. Apparently I can only pull off three of 'em.

First up, we have Starry Barad-Dur. Mad props to whoever pulled this off.

The wizard's cat has been acting up again for attention...

Motivational alarm clock.

Ever the fashionable one,


Must have graduated from the Shire's School of Smart-Assery.

And you were complaining about summer heat?

Muppets of the Rings.

Mission Nerdpossible.

The Bad-Ass Wizard.

 Look who just joined the Dark Side...

Remember, The Hobbit comes out in 2 days. I'm going in costume, how about you?

Until next time this is the AmazonArtiste signing off.

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