October 8, 2012


Technically today marks the start of the third week of college. I say technically because while it is a Monday and the start of a new week, we have school off for Columbus Day. I have no idea why it's an actual holiday, we don't give any presents to loved ones and there's no grand moral to be had (ex: Thanksgiving = giving thanks [gee, that was hard to figure out]). Some guy kinda sorta discovered America. And he gets a holiday? I don't recall a Nikola Tesla Day or Thomas Edison Day, or shoot even a Sir Isaac Newton Day. I think it's extremely unfair, but alas, I am grateful for not having to go to school today. Wednesday when everyone asks each other, "What did you do over the weekend?" I'll get to sarcastically say with a perky little smile, "I contracted bronchitis! How was your weekend?"

My poor aching, burning lungs. Not to mention I look like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I must say though, my bronchitis had impeccable timing. I got sick on a 3-day weekend not to mention I have no class on Friday (when I got it) or Tuesday. I did not get sick in the middle of a very busy school week. So I have to give it props for that.

It's mildly ironic; my brother felt sick last week (it lasted a day for him the lucky duck) and was concerned about getting everyone else sick. I arrogantly said he wouldn't get me sick and it's like the illness said, "Challenge accepted." It promptly abandoned him and attacked me a few days later. At least I'm on the mend, so I should be able to go to class (cross your fingers folks!).

And here endeth the shortest blog post I have ever composed.

Until next time this is the Amazon Artiste signing off.