September 14, 2012

The Ink Blot -- hitRECord

I know there are a lot of writers out there. Some budding some, well, not budding. I'm a writer too. I wouldn't call myself a budding writer, I've been doing this since... Okay the typical answer would be "since before I can remember" but I want to give an atypical answer. Problem is I don't remember when I started writing stories. I do remember when I started writing down anything that came to mind though, and that was all the way back to age 7. I've been writing for 15 years. That's a long darn time! As stated in "22.2" I have not published anything. That isn't to say I haven't anything to show for 15 years in the art of writing.

This is not my first blog.It is the first one I've taken seriously, but it's actually number 8 or 9. The others are pretty much shut down for life. They're still up and readable by some poor, unfortunate soul. But they shall never again be updated. I've already got this baby all figured out (I have a notepad sitting next to me with this blog's directory). I've written (once) for my college newspaper (and yes, that article was published, so technically "22.2" lied). I've written for school, tutored, edited, and blogged my brains out. And then I discovered a site where I can take my creativity seriously, and everyone else takes it seriously too.

When I first started out over there, all I would upload was my poetry because that's my weak link in writing. Poetry is a hard concept for me to grasp. I still don't fully grasp it, but it seems to pop out of me nonetheless. Then I started getting involved in projects over there. They introduced me to the ultimate brevity in writing. My creativity didn't stop there. Next thing I knew I was uploading photography and sketches. Sketches! I can't draw to save my life. I can barely draw a stick figure properly, but somehow, pieces on that site inspired me to pick up a pencil and draw.
Granted, every single sketch I have looks like a cartoon, but hey, at least it's something. People seem to like my sketches too. Okay, not a lot of people and they don't rave about them, but one RECommend is better than nothing.

Yes I just wrote RECommend instead of recommend. There's a reason for that. The site I'm a proud member of (because as my Mom put it, it's the best site I've ever found) is none other than The site was founded by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and seriously, if you have any creative skill of any sort go check out his site. It's quite possibly the best internet community I have ever come across. I follow several of those peeps on Twitter and I would call some of them my friends. They're every one of them encouraging, helpful and understanding. If you need help with something ask! Don't be shy, they know that everyone started somewhere and than improved. You will too. I sure as heck did. And let's face it, art by any definition, demands a constant state of improvement. I improved my writing, but it keeps on improving whether I want it to or not. Yours will too. Best to improve over there. (Internet plug is almost over)

Let me explain the site to those of you who won't click the link (you're missing out!). It's not just a site where you upload your projects be they music, animations, short films, book readings, photography, drawings, paintings, sculptures, poems, etc. Everything you upload there is free game for everyone else. By uploading your art you are agreeing to let anyone else on the site tweak it in any way they see fit. We call this REmixing. An example would be the Tiny Story "A Tiny Breakfast" which was then illustrated. Here's one of the many illustrations "A Tiny Breakfast Illustration" which if you paid attention you'll know who sketched that one.

Well, we also have collaborations (collabs for short). Collaborations are the brain children of artists where they want to work with other artists. Tori has a weekly collaboration of 10-minute writing challenges, where she gives you one word that has to kick start a piece of writing. Wirrow came up with the tiny stories collab. Tiny stories generally are only one to two sentences long. "Alphabet Romance" is the shortest one yet.

Alright, the shameless plug is done, as is all the linking. Please do go check out the site, it's well worth it. I'd like to go back to the 10-minute writing challenges. My Dad tried one on me and gave me a word I had to look up in the dictionary: salacious (okay that was one more link, but I saved you the trouble of finding it in the dictionary). Well I managed to pull it off, set it off to the site and it pretty much attracted no attention. Turns out, none of my 10-minute pieces have acquired any attention from anyone.

Which brings me to the point of all of this. I've decided to share them with you (I'm well-aware that 'with you' currently applies only to me as I'm really the only one who will re-read this [as I check for impending errors]). Okay, maybe the real point was that I wanted to tell everyone of this awesome site. But I will share my salacious-based story with you. Ready? Here goes:

Silky Attraction

Perhaps if her behavior were more salacious, then she’d be able to get his attention. She wanted him so bad, every fiber of her being ached with lusty longing for his masculine frame. Everything about him was sexy from the way he moved to how the sun accented his color. She couldn’t really tell him because she had never been alone with him. Sarah was always with her, and he was always with Jack. But if she could just get him alone in the room, then he’d know how she truly felt. Little did she know that he desired her soft touch too. She was always so graceful even at the worst of times. And the sun always brought out her radiance. Oh how they longed for the other!

Each plotted for weeks on how to tell the other, they just had to be in the same room alone. The trick is getting rid of Sarah and Jack. Luckily those two have been friends for years, so they just had to get the two of them talking and then all would be well. It was as if Fate had heard their romantic call, for their wish to be with one another was soon granted. Fate had sent one of the worst heat waves the quartet had ever experienced, with a temperature reaching just a little over one hundred degrees.

Sarah and Jack had been chatting with each other for a while in the park while the other two silently waited, but the heat had become unbearable for the conversationalists. They retired to Sarah’s chic air-conditioned apartment to finish their talk. Before the talkative pair moved into the cool living room they each removed their outerwear, Sarah her silvery white shawl and Jack his masculine denim jacket. The shawl and jacket were mindlessly tossed onto a kitchen chair while the conversation moved into the other room.

At long last! The two lovers were together! She cuddled up against his strong body as he gently caressed her silky white frame. Oh how they had longed for this moment. No more rubbing up against cotton cardigans, or sleeping with slutty spandex. No, now they had each other and judging how Sarah and Jack’s conversation was going, the lovers would have the night as well.

And there you have it, a story written in 10-minutes. Don't think it was good? Couldn't get enough of it? Feel free to let me know exactly what you thought. I have a thick hide, I can take a sharp criticism or two (really as many as you've got). I also wouldn't turn down a stroke or two for my ego. The choice is yours. =)

Until next time this is the Amazon Artiste signing off.

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