October 29, 2012

Wisdom Along the Way

"Women, you can't live with them and yet they're everywhere." ~ Harry Solomon, 3rd Rock from the Sun (French Stewart's role)

October 24, 2012

Saved by the Bell...Professorisms

I promised this post to a fellow HR-er (meperson!). I can't remember if I've stated this before or not, so I'm doing it again just to be clear (or safe). I'm taking a creative writing class and our Professor is probably the wackiest professor on campus. It is impossible to fall asleep in his class, mainly because he's just too darn fun and you wouldn't want to miss anything.

When our Professor screws up or makes great joke, or just says something in a funky way I call it a Professorism. I'm compiling a list for my fellow HR-er (should it be HR-er or HRer? Both are confusing to those outside our community but should it be confusing for those of us on the inside?) and also so I don't forget all the fun times (memory like a sieve over here).

If I remember other Professor's professorisms I'll be sure to place them here with the appropriate professor/subject.

Second Class Day

Fricative Nut Butter - He believes we should be able to invent a fricative nut butter. No one has been able to do this yet.

Fourth Class Day

Imaginary McStudentson - The name on his papers that are used for examples.
"I care more about your commas" - When workshopping, he has stated that we are not allowed to show more care for the paper than for the person writing it. We have to be nice (which we all agree with, but that sentence was funny)

Fifth Class Day

Abrakadabraly - We get extra credit in his heart but not our grade if we use this in our next paper. I did.

Sixth Class Day

Dersun - Apparently couldn't spell "person."
Charactater - Apparently also could not spell "character." (It was obviously a hard spelling day for him. I used all of these misspellings in my paper)
Unsuck it - A classmate-ism. It sounds less worse than "suck it" does but means the same damn thing.

Seventh Class Day

Prepicife - Could not properly say "precipice."
"Pump huckey out of bunny" - Was trying to say "pump honey out of bucket" while discussing a honey bucket disaster for a setting as an example for our next assignment. This was better than what he was originally trying to say.

Ninth Class Day

Zombiecrats - Apparently, if you want to figure out if your sentence has the passive voice, add "by zombies" at the end of it. If it works your sentence is passive. He had used the example "mistakes were made...by zombies." Someone said bureaucrats so he said that.
Winking Verbs - My classmate misheard "linking verbs" after we ran off a list of verbs, so our professor invented a conversation for both:
The Winking Verbs "Hey, what are you doing tonight?" (mind you that's in a creepy come hither voice)
Verbs "Killing, running, eating, chasing, sleeping apparently." (though not necessarily in that order)
"Killed the classroom like a teacher" - We were trying to come up with an object for our puppy to kill and someone said "classroom" to which another student said "like a teacher." So our Professor invented a phrase that he demands we get accepted into everyday speech.
"Subject Verbs Object; Object gets Verbed" - He was discussing the difference between active & passive voices in writing. A standard English sentence goes Subject, Verb, Object. In an active voice the Subject is Verbing the Object. In a passive voice the Object gets Verbed by the Subject. Hence the aforementioned Professorism.
"Germans think they're weak, we think they're weird" - In German the verbs are either weak or strong. In America they are either regular or irregular. It should be fairly obvious where our Professor was going with this one.
The Passive Yoda Voice - One of our examples of active-voice sentences was "You will steal your mother's winnebago." We had to make it passive and one of my classmates made it active-Yoda-voice. So our Professor promised to give us the passive-Yoda-voice: "Your mother's winnebago, stolen, will be."
"You Struthered it" - Apparently Sally Struthers doesn't breathe when she talks or something like that, because our Professor read a paragraph in one breath and someone said "you read that like Sally Struthers! No breathing required." So our Professor also wants that phrase admitted into everyday speech.

And apparently with periodic sentences, you have your skillful and less skillful. The difference? Skillful is equivalent to a striptease and less skillful is equivalent to a flasher.

We also learned of the "Worst First Line Contest," "Bad Metaphors Contest" & "mittromneywithasmallface.com" (This one just sounds funny)

"My brain had a tumor shift." - Math professor said this whenever he forgot something.

Personally, I think we should get a collab going for worst first lines and bad metaphors. I think Raja would be all over that! 

October 13, 2012


Happy Saturday the 13th! That poor little sociopath missed his killing-spree-day by one. Poor guy.

Next Friday the 13th will be September 2013. He gets to wait a little while...

I did make it to class Wednesday and it turns out that sickness went around over the weekend. Most people have colds and some have the flu. I kept telling everyone I had influenza because flu is too mainstream (influenza does sound cooler). Out of our workshop group of six, four of us were sick. Three years ago when I took creative writing I had the loudest group in the class. We also were easily sidetracked, finished our work faster than anyone else, and laughed a hell of a lot more. I don't believe we are the loudest this year, but everything else was the same. If anything, this group is smarter.

It's practically a monsoon outside. So much rain with a side of winds. Good for plants, bad for lungs.

Everyone in my group was asking me to bring my portfolio because they like my writings. For the past decade or so, my portfolio has lived in a variety of binders, notebooks, and stacks of papers. Suffice to say, I didn't really have a portfolio. Last night I decided to go through and clean it up and put it all in one place. It's huge but organized. It of course is still missing some things, so I'm still adding to it for now, but it's almost complete. My portfolio goes back to the sixth grade. It literally is my life's work.

My brother pointed out, "Isn't it sad that you life can be boiled down to a stack of papers?" Thanks little bro! I would hope that a writer's life would be boiled down to some pretty awesome stacks of paper, since you know, writers write on paper. (Ooh, the sun is just starting to peak through. Can it hold its ground?) So no it isn't sad, and yes my writing life can be boiled down to a rather large stack of paper. My photography life can be boiled down to a rather large collection of photos, my music life can be boiled down to stacks upon stacks of sheet music and instruments (most of which collect dust), etc. My life can be boiled down to...to...well I don't think it's near the stage of boiling down yet. Maybe melting down...never mind.

I think it's silly to say one's life can be boiled down to X. Life is complicated and every individual has their own complications to add to life's complications (that wasn't complicated at all). (sun just disappeared) I don't know how to explain what I want to say or even where to start. I just know I disagree with my brother fully and completely. If he were right his life could be boiled down to computer code. Personally, I think his life is worth more than that and contains more than that. There is more to him than code, though no one is willing to admit it to his face.

Until next time this is the Amazon Artiste signing off.

October 8, 2012


Technically today marks the start of the third week of college. I say technically because while it is a Monday and the start of a new week, we have school off for Columbus Day. I have no idea why it's an actual holiday, we don't give any presents to loved ones and there's no grand moral to be had (ex: Thanksgiving = giving thanks [gee, that was hard to figure out]). Some guy kinda sorta discovered America. And he gets a holiday? I don't recall a Nikola Tesla Day or Thomas Edison Day, or shoot even a Sir Isaac Newton Day. I think it's extremely unfair, but alas, I am grateful for not having to go to school today. Wednesday when everyone asks each other, "What did you do over the weekend?" I'll get to sarcastically say with a perky little smile, "I contracted bronchitis! How was your weekend?"

My poor aching, burning lungs. Not to mention I look like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I must say though, my bronchitis had impeccable timing. I got sick on a 3-day weekend not to mention I have no class on Friday (when I got it) or Tuesday. I did not get sick in the middle of a very busy school week. So I have to give it props for that.

It's mildly ironic; my brother felt sick last week (it lasted a day for him the lucky duck) and was concerned about getting everyone else sick. I arrogantly said he wouldn't get me sick and it's like the illness said, "Challenge accepted." It promptly abandoned him and attacked me a few days later. At least I'm on the mend, so I should be able to go to class (cross your fingers folks!).

And here endeth the shortest blog post I have ever composed.

Until next time this is the Amazon Artiste signing off.